Photo by Johannes Plenio
Registration - Terms and Conditions

Turning your beloved vehicle into a driving monument - welcome to the FIVA webpage to apply for a FIVA ID Card or FIVA Youngtimer Registration Document


With each of these two documents, you can distinguish your classic vehicle, raising it to the level of mobile heritage that deserves to be preserved and protected - even with legal basis in some countries. And with such a card or document, you will become a welcome participant in many national and international events.



The FIVA identity Card (hereafter: ID Card) is issued to road vehicles meeting the following criteria, characterizing them as historic vehicles in accordance with FIVA’s definition, which is:


  • a mechanically propelled road vehicle
  •  at least 30 years old
  • preserved and maintained in a historically correct condition
  • which is not used as means of daily transport
  • and which is therefore part of our technical and cultural heritage.


FIVA Youngtimer Registration Document

The FIVA Youngtimer Document (hereafter: YtRD) is issued to road vehicles meeting the following criteria characterizing them as youngtimers in accordance with FIVA’s definition, which is:


  • a mechanically propelled road vehicle
  • between 20 and 29 years old
  • in good condition of preservation
  • which is usually used for leisure purposes
  • and may become eligible for a FIVA Identity Card when it reaches 30 years of age.


The FIVA Technical Code forms the basis for the issuance of both the ID Card and the YtRD. FIVA's Technical Commission (hereinafter: TC) is responsible for the content of the Technical Code. You can find the valid Technical Code on the FIVA website - FIVA Technical Code 2020 – FIVA




Please read the terms and conditions below carefully. Before starting your application, you must accept them. 


1 - Country of issue

FIVA is represented in dozens of countries, all over the globe, by a FIVA ANF, the official national FIVA authority in that country. Only ANFs are authorised to issue ID Card and YtRD, hereinafter referred to as FIVA Card(s). For countries where FIVA does not have an ANF, applications go directly through the Technical Commission. 


2 - Ownership and validity of the FIVA Card

Just as your passport is not your property, so is the FIVA Card. FIVA retains the authority to dispose of it. This also means that the card is not negotiable or transferable.


The validity period of the FIVA Card is 10 years from the date of issue.


The FIVA Card loses its validity:


- upon transfer of ownership of the vehicle

- upon the death of the FIVA Card holder

- upon definitive withdrawal of the FIVA Card based on Point 3.


3 - Disposition of the FIVA Card

FIVA has the right to suspend or withdraw a Card, in any of the following situations:


  1. the vehicle in characteristic points no longer complies with the specifications as described and ascertained when the Card was issued 
  2. the vehicle no longer exists
  3. the vehicle is in a state of neglect, with no prospect of repair or restoration
  4. the vehicle has passed into the hands of another owner


FIVA also reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the Card in other cases where it considers this justified after considering all interests.


Representatives of FIVA, the responsible ANF or the steward attached to an event by FIVA, are authorised to suspend or withdraw the Card. Any protest should be addressed to the responsible ANF or the FIVA TC, but does not suspend the measure. 


4 - What is expected from FIVA Card applicant / -holder.

  1. To correctly and fully provide all requested information in the application process 
  2. To pay the fee corresponding with the FIVA Card application to the responsible ANF or FIVA
  3. To affix the sticker provided with the FIVA Card in a visible place in or on the vehicle
  4. To present the FIVA Card upon request to representatives of FIVA, the responsible ANF and event organisers
  5. When on the road, to have the FIVA Card with the vehicle at all times, so that it can be shown if necessary in the context of enforcement of traffic regulations
  6. To inform the responsible ANF or FIVA of any of the events mentioned under Point 3 above
  7. To notify the ANF or FIVA of any loss of the FIVA Card so that a duplicate can be made.


5 - What a FIVA Card is and is not

A FIVA Card is a description, as complete and correct as possible, of the vehicle presented in the application and as shown to the scrutineer appointed by FIVA or the ANF (the scrutineer is the expert who inspects the vehicle on the spot, or remotely by means of modern techniques). 


Issuance of a FIVA Card does not entitle to any claim to authenticity or accuracy of the data mentioned on the card. Therefore, FIVA, the ANF and their representatives cannot be held liable, should any imperfections come to light.


6 - Use of data

FIVA, the ANF and the officers appointed by FIVA or the ANF have the right to view the data provided by the applicant, insofar as this is purposeful for the performance of their tasks. 


No personal data will be exchanged with any third party without the consent of the applicant or holder of the FIVA Card, unless there is a legal basis for doing so.


Non-personal data may be shared by FIVA with third parties if this is justified on the basis of FIVA's objectives, e.g. for the production of spare parts. 


All personal data recorded by FIVA at the time of application shall remain at FIVA's disposal throughout the validity period of the FIVA Card. They will always be available for consultation, but  only by designated persons of FIVA or the ANF. 


After the expiry of the validity period, specific personal data will only be kept by FIVA if expressly authorised as part of the application procedure. 


7 - Address for enquiries or requests

Only the address can be used for this purpose.


Final note: Information about how FIVA and individual ANFs are processing your personal data can be found in the Privacy Statement. Please read carefully.